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Psychotherapy and psychological treatment are reimbursed from the basic health insurance package. Sanam offers non-contracted care whereby, in general, 60-80% of the rate is reimbursed by the health insurer with an in-kind policy (natura verzekering). With a refund policy, 100% is reimbursed. This may differ per health insurer and some health insurers require prior permission. An overview can be found here or you can inquire with your own health insurer. The "own risks" must always be paid by yourself.


You must bring a referral letter for SGGZ from your GP to the intake interview in order to be eligible for reimbursement via the health insurer. The referral letter must contain the following information: your complete personal data, (a suspicion of a) DSM diagnosis, a summary of your psychiatric history, the reason and indication for referral to SGGZ, signature and the AGB code of the referrer.


Sanam cannot provide care to clients with complex problems that require intensive and/or emergency care, such as addiction, (severe) suicidality or self-mutilation and psychosis. Treatment in an institutional setting is then indicated.


We do not have a waiting list.

Prakijkt voor coaching, leertherapie en individuele psychotherapie voor medici, hulpverleners en professionals in Leiden.


During the intake phase, between 2 and 5 diagnostic interviews take place, after which a treatment plan is discussed with you. If there is mutual agreement, a treatment plan will be discussed with you, after which a psychotherapy process can be started. For psychotherapy, Sanam uses the statutory rates set by the Dutch healthcare authority (NZa), which can be found here.

Prakijkt voor coaching, leertherapie en individuele psychotherapie voor medici, hulpverleners en professionals in Leiden.



Your practitioner is bound by medical confidentially. Everything you discuss with your practitioner is confidential. It is customary for your general practitioner, as a formal referrer, to receive information about the diagnosis, the treatment plan, the course of the treatment and its termination. However, this information will not be provided if you explicitly object to it. Before your GP is notified, you will have to give formal permission and the contents will be discussed with you. Information to third parties, such as company doctors or a medical adviser, is only provided after you have had access to it and you have given written permission. The progress of your treatment is noted in an electronic patient record (EHR). Sanam participates in intercollegiate peer groups. During these meetings, colleagues exchange ideas about problems and treatments; each participant is also bound by medical confidentially and no personal information is exchanged.


General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

Every organization is obliged to comply with European privacy legislation. In the Netherlands, the obligations under this legislation are included in the General Data Protection Regulation. The privacy statement of your care provider explains how your data is handled. A privacy statement is available for inspection at your care provider on location or can be requested by email.


Quality Statute

All providers of ‘medical GGZ’ (mental health care), i.e. Generalistic Basic GGZ and Specialized GGZ within the Health Insurance Act, are obliged to have a quality statute and to make this public. The quality statue per practitioner is available for inspection on location or can be requested by email.



Invoicing takes place monthly, this must be paid by yourself within 2 weeks and you can request a refund from the health insurer.



If you are not satisfied with your treatment and/or have a complaint, it is best to discuss this with your practitioner as soon as possible. If, in your opinion, the complaints are not handled satisfactorily, you are entitled to mediation through a complaints officer. You can request this information from your practitioner or contact the NVvP Complaints and Disputes Committee, which can be reached via complaints 

Prakijkt voor coaching, leertherapie en individuele psychotherapie voor medici, hulpverleners en professionals in Leiden.
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