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Annemarie Castel

Annemarie Castel, klinisch psycholoog in Leiden voor coaching, leertherapie en individuele psychotherapie voor medici, hulpverleners en professionals.


Annemarie Castel is a clinical psychologist and psychotherapist. She has done various studies including health care training, psychotherapist and clinical psychologist, but also post-master's courses in the field of behavior and neuroscience. She is a registered schema therapist and cognitive behavioral therapist and licensed supervisor VGCT. She specializes in psychoanalytic therapy, so she incorporates this framework into the offered teaching methods. 

Annemarie has extensive experience in healthcare.   She has worked at various types of workplaces with different target groups. In recent years she has worked with people with personality problems, anxiety and depression.  She has mostly supervised employees in the addiction care and EPA population, but also the general outpatient mental health care sector. It can also provide diagnostic supervisions. She sees diagnostics as an important pillar in the profession. A quality of her is that she can connect well with the experience of the other person and has the context in view.


She is a member of: NVPP, VGCT, SFT register.

BIG registration: 39922385925 clinical psychologist and  59922385916 psychotherapist.

VGCT 303594.

AGB number: 94066749; personal AGB: 94101519.

KvK: 83994955.



She provides supervision, intervision and learning therapy to various disciplines in health care. In addition, Annemarie works one day a week as an independent practicioner and coach. A theme can be worked out in a predetermined number of sessions. This can be work-related and personal in nature. 



You can contact me by email. I will respond as soon as possible. An introductory meeting (session 1) will follow, in which your question will be zoomed in to clarify it. Depending on the demand, a contract is drawn up with mutual agreements in order to continue the process. In the contract phase, a lot of attention is paid to privacy and mutual commitment. Sessions are online or on location. 



  • Supervision/intervison/learning thearpy: 110 euro per session of 45 minutes.

  • Coaching: 180 euro (employer rate); 130 euro (self payer)

  • Therapie: NZa rates clinical psychologist: 169,50 euro (in 2023) per session SGGZ. 

  • No show rate: 65 euro.


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